Our ATA coaches come from a variety of backgrounds, but enthusiasm, professionalism and dedication are traits that are consistent throughout our team. All of our head coaches have played to a high national or professional level and have internationally recognised coaching qualifications – some with the highest qualifications possible from their respective national associations

Kristin Godridge

ATA Director & Founder

Toby Clark

ATA Director

Matthew Johnston

ATA Director

Nathan Booth

ATA Director

Luka Grdic

ATA JLRA Head Coach

Jon County

ATA Operations manager

Craig McLauchlan

GCRC Head Coach


ATA Tennis Professional

Asif Ali

ATA Tennis Professional

Vladimir Tomic

Harrow Head Coach

Julie Tringa

ATA Tennis Professional

Matt Robinson

ATA Tennis Professional

Craig Taylor

ATA Tennis Professional

Samo Plevnik

ATA Tennis Professional

Benjamin Martinez

HKFC Head Coach

Tamara Martinovska

ATA Tennis Professional